(919) 467-9955

Laser Eye Center of Carolina
3701 NW Cary Pkwy #101
Cary, NC 27513

(919) 938-2010

Laser Eye Center of Carolina
1609 E Booker Dairy Rd
Smithfield, NC 27577

LASIK Alternative: The Implantable Lens

Submitted by Dr. Dean Dornic on Wed 02/22/2012 - 12:26

A Visian Implantable Lens fits behind the iris. The patient cannot feel the implant.

For some patients, an implantable lens may have advantages over LASIK.  Intraocular lenses have a long history of use in ophthalmology.  Virtually all cases of cataract surgery utilize an intraocular lens.  Intraocular lenses have a power, just as do contact lenses.  They are placed inside the eye, so they cannot be felt by the patient.  They do not irritate the eye like contact lenses nor can they become coated so they don’t require cleaning.

In a LASIK procedure, tissue is removed and reshaped with a laser.  In contrast, an implantable lens procedure is potentially reversible.  Removal of the implant may remove the source of a patient’s dissatisfaction.

An implantable lens may be a better option than LASIK for some patients. These include patients with thin or irregular corneas or patients with very high prescriptions.  They may also be a better choice for patients with certain cornel disorders.  The optical quality of an implantable lens is excellent leading to excellent quality of vision.

Implantable lenses also do not tend to cause the significant dry eye side effects experienced by some LASIK patients.

If you are not an excellent candidate for LASIK, you may be a great candidate for implantable lenses.  Of course, all medical procedures have risks, and the risks of implantable lenses are different than that of LASIK.  Make sure you discuss these risks with your surgeon.  Want to compare and contrast the risks and benefits of LASIK vs implantable lenses?  Make sure you consult a physician who performs both!

At the Laser Eye Center of Carolina, we offer LASIK and numerous other procedures for patients in North Carolina and beyond.  Our consults are free so the only thing you risk is. Little of your time to make sure you are informed of all your options.