I’m Afraid to Have LASIK
Submitted by Dr. Dean Dornic on Sat 03/05/2011 - 11:31
One of the most common phrases we hear is “I’d like to have my vision corrected but I’m afraid to have LASIK”. Patients verbalize a fear of having an eye procedure because they are afraid of the risk of vision loss. There is not much worse fate one can imagine than to have to go through life blind or with greatly diminished vision. Some patients may even relate the story of “a friend of an acquaintance” that they ‘heard’ had vision loss from a LASIK procedure but yes, everyone that they know who had LASIK seems to be doing just fine. Just like many urban legends, the details of this alleged vision loss are not really known by the reporter.
Yes, there are cases of patients who have lost vision from LASIK; but those cases are exceedingly rare, and, with advances in technology, becoming rarer. Most patients are surprised to hear that the risk of vision loss is actually greater from contact lens wear than from LASIK. You mean you can lose vision from contact lenses? Yes, and every year patients, some of who were afraid to have LASIK, lose their vision from contact lens associated corneal infections.
So, if you don’t want to wear glasses or find they interfere with your ability to function in your job or leisure activities, making the transition from contact lenses from LASIK really does not increase your risk of vision loss. And, as numerous studies bear out, actually saves you money in the long run.
How then do you maximize your chance and minimize your chance of vision loss from a LASIK procedure? Well, first make sure you actually are a good LASIK candidate. Go to a surgeon who can offer more than just LASIK. If you are not an excellent LASIK candidate, just don’t have it: do something else like implantable contact lenses or advanced surface ablation. If you are a good candidate, make sure you are being offered the best and safest technology. IntraLase LASIK has been shown to be the safest LASIK technology for the great majority of patients so insist on this. The decision to have vision correction is one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime so why would you go to someone who offers only LASIK and worse yet, why would you choose someone because they offered the lowest price? Over the years, thousands of Raleigh are patients have chosen Dr. Dean Dornic of the Laser Eye Center of Carolina. His opinion can be trusted because he can offer more than just LASIK. To make an appointment for a free, no obligation consultation just call 1-888-376-EYES and we’ll get you started on the road to visual freedom.